I Dream Of Spring

By Joseph J. Mazzella • January 23, 2025

In the midst of Winter I often dream of Spring. In my mind’s eye I see the days lengthening with the sun rising earlier each day in the pink morning sky, bathing the world in it’s golden light. I see the snow rapidly melting under its wonderful warmth. I see the grass turning green again as killing frost turns into gentle rain. I see the first dandelions and buttercups peeking their heads through the rich soil and stretching towards the sun. I see the buds and blossoms on the trees filling the air with their sweet smells. I hear the birds singing songs of love again and watching them soar through the sky. I see the hibernating animals awakening from their winter sleep and rejoining the world of the living again. I hear the sweet music of children’s laughter as they run and play outside. I see neighbors sitting on their porches and sharing friendly waves and kind words with each other. I feel the whole entire world around me coming back to life again and knowing that God’s Loving care is behind it all. In the midst of Winter I often dream of Spring and that gives me hope and warmth and love and joy.

I know too that in this world it often feels like Winter inside of us, no matter what the season outside is. I know that we sometimes feel cold, lonely, hurt, and sad. I know that sometimes it feels like Spring will never come. But deep inside each of us there is an eternal Spring. It is a gift of God given in His Wisdom and Love. It is up to us, though, to bring it forth and face the winter of this world. It is up to us to share our warmth, our love, and our Spring even on the coldest days.

Dream of Spring then. Share your Spring. Bring your warmth to everyone you meet and help God to bath this world in Love. And know too that when your life in this world is over God awaits you in a place where it is always warm, it is always Loving, and it is always Spring.


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