By A Perfect Perception • February 3, 2014
“Some people expect me to be loyal to them or agree with them even if it means compromising my values or doing something against my conscience. Those aren’t true friends.”—Nadeine.
“My sister is my best friend. She pushes me to do things outside of my comfort zone and helps me to be more outgoing. She tells me the truth even if it isn’t what I want to hear.”—Amy.
“When I went through a rough patch, my best friends were the ones who didn’t coddle me; they gave me honest advice. The others either waited for me to come out of it or tried to distract me. They didn’t acknowledge that something was wrong.”—Miki.
“My friend sees potential in me as no one else does, and she encourages me to accomplish my goals. She’s brutally honest with me when she needs to be—and I love it!”—Elaine.
Do your friends help you to reach your potential, or do you have to lower your standards to fit in with them? Think about it and increase your time with those who do!
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