Thank You For Asking If I Was Ok And For Caring

By Shani • June 9, 2023

While standing at the chemist waiting for my pain relief Script to be filled (recent back injury, and in a lot of pain) tears started to form and run down my face.. I was in absolute agony.

My name was finally called and as I made my way to the counter, wincing every time I took a step.. the lovely lady at the register could obviously see I was struggling.. she asked me if I was ok.

Well then the waterworks started.. sobbing and trying not to look like a fool.

She came around the counter, handed me my prescriptions and a hand ful of tissues..asked if I wanted some water, to take a seat.. all I could say was ‘thank you and I’m in pain’ .. she was so lovely and reached to me and gave me a hug.. she was truly looking worried.. I thanked her again, and again and said I’d be ok.. then shuffled to the car where my husband was waiting with our dog.

After I managed to bend down and get in the car.. grunting in agony.. he asked was I ok.. I just burst into tears and was a total blithering mess.. like ‘ugly crying’ .. and trying to spit out the story of the lady in the chemist.

So THANK YOU to the lovely caring lady at Banora Point chemist.. thank you for asking if I was ok and for caring.


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