Yesterday Mum And I Were Out Shopping When We Decided To Stop For Lunch
By Annette • April 3, 2023
Yesterday mum and I were out shopping when we decided to stop for lunch.
Mum struggled to open the store door due to having her walker. Due to the angle of the path I couldn’t help with a very full trolley. Inside was a young boy (who appeared to aged 10 at the most). He jumped up and held the door open for us both. I’m not sure if he was there with his mum or grandmother but we both thanked him and I made a point to compliment her on his manners.
While I was at the counter placing our order he came up to find out how much a bottle of drink was. He was told it was $4.50 and when he went to ask for the money I asked the staff to add it to our order. His grand/mother said not to worry about it and I didn’t have to. As I said to her - he had wonderful manners and helped us so I wanted to.
I hope this is something that will remind him whilst you don’t expect anything for your manners and kindness it does come back in many ways.
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