I Am In Absolute Shock

By Angelina • March 31, 2023

I am in absolute shock.

This afternoon I was doing my weekly shop at ALDIs. I was loading my groceries, getting ready to pay. I was using my partners card to pay, not thinking I was going to run into any issues. It was time to pay and the cashier said "enter pin" I froze. I didn’t know my partners pin and he didn’t know either.

I placed my groceries to the side, in a panic as I was holding people up. I tried to contact my partner but I quickly realized I didn’t have any credit! So I quickly recharged to contact him, in a split second the cashier said "it’s been paid for" I was lost for words.

It took me a minute to process what had just happened, I expressed my gratitude and left the store.

As I was walking out I cried on the phone to my partner, in shock and praising these lovely people for paying for our shopping.

So if you were that lovely couple at Marsden Aldi's this afternoon. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I’m still in shock. I will use this experience and help to pay it forward for someone else.

Thank you!!!


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