Doing Something To Make Someone Else Smile Felt So Good
By A Friend • March 1, 2023
Tonight, my family and I went out for dinner to celebrate the anniversary of my daughter’s stem cell transplant that cured her of leukaemia. We sat near a table of 4 who had all been drinking and seemed to be having a good time. They high fived my husband as he walked by to pick up our food and fist pumped our girls when they ran past their table.
I asked them why they were out and they answered ”it’s actually not a nice reason, our mother has just passed away”.
This made me so sad. We were out celebrating life while they were out celebrating the end of one.
I decided to do something nice. I walked up to the bar and asked the bartender for 4 of whatever the group had been drinking that night.
When I brought them their drinks, their faces made my night. It was such a simple thing to do to show someone that they’re seen and heard and that they matter. Doing something to make someone else smile felt so good
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