I Work With Youth Who Are In Govt Care And Today I Witnessed An Amazing Act Of Kindness

By Nicki • June 16, 2022

I was out looking at thrift shops with a teenage girl who has significant acquired brain injuries suffered as a baby.

This girl has been fixated on Quinceanera dresses, ball gowns and Victorian era hair styles.

When ever I work with her I curl her hair and do her makeup for her she looks into the mirror so proudly afterwards. This morning I did this and we looked at pictures of ball gowns (sooooo many pictures) and decided we'd go look at some thrift shops to see if there was any fancy evening wear. No luck there but this girl insisted I take her to a local dancewear/formal wear shop.

This shop has been there for a long time and is tucked away in the suburbs.

This girl was so excited and was jumping up and down at the sight of the gowns and chewed the owners ear off with questions about every single dress, the owner of the store let her try some dresses on and even fitted a tiara on her head. The girl was absolutely beaming and posing like I've never seen before. The girl was telling the owner that it's her 15th birthday this year and she wants a ballgown to wear to celebrate.

Long story short the incredibly kind owner GAVE this girl a gown, a tiara and a necklace, worth hundreds of dollars. She gifted it to her for her birthday.

This lovely, patient, generous and compassionate woman just made a magical moment and memory for a girl who really needed this


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