There Is Such Joy In Giving

By Sarah • April 20, 2022

I went to the Royal Easter Show with the family and my two children hardly used any of the ride vouchers I had pre purchased. There was over $100 worth of rides per child left on the carnival fun passes.

I was sad to see them go to waste. Apparently you could get a refund for unused rides but I wanted to give them away.

As we were leaving I gave the passes away to a young man with two girls aged about 9 and 7.

The man said, 'Are you sure?', when I offered them. He was a bit shocked. When the two girls realised what was happening they screamed in absolute delight. They literally would not stop jumping up and down and squealing they were so excited they were going to have rides.

Their pure joy bought tears to my eyes and the memory of it will stay with me. I was also able to see what rides they went on as it came up on my Carnival Fun Pass ap. Let's just say they loved the scary ones.

There is such joy in giving. It was the highlight of my Easter.


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