This Is Going To Be The Best Day Ever!

By Gabrielle • February 23, 2022

My 7-yr-old daughter and I headed into Melbourne city today for a bit of an adventure.

On the way in, she said, “Mum, this is going to be the best day ever!”

As is often the case, we walked past a homeless man with his dog just outside the train station and my daughter said, “Mum, on the way back, can we buy some food for that man and his dog?”

Sure enough, 4 hours later, we returned to the station and although that man was no longer there, another homeless lady was there with her little dog.

We bought a sandwich, a bottle of water and a sausage roll for the pup and returned to the lady. We chatted with her and patted her dog.

As we walked away, my daughter said, “Mum, NOW this is the best day ever!”

My eyes welled up with both sadness and a huge amount of pride for her kind heart.


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