Best. Day. Ever!

By Tanya • December 24, 2021

Well that was the best. Day. Ever!

My autistic son is a mapper - human GPS - memorizes Google Maps and downloads it in his brain forever. He LOVES to go for drives. He navigates and I go wherever he directs. There are hours on motorways on a weekly basis.

Yesterday was his first time in the front seat. He is a happy flapper, and bounces in his seat with an open mouthed smile on his face that radiates joy. He can not contain his excitement. It’s my favorite time with him.

We were cruising on the M5 heading to the Gold Coast with the same pod of cars for a while and a Trucker must have clocked his happy flapping as we passed because he caught up to us and friendly tooted his deep truck horn, wound down his window to wave and toot again.

My boy was SO happy he almost hit his head on the car roof!

That awesome trucker must have radioed to local trucks on the M5 > M2 > M6 route because every time we approached another truck they did the same friendly toot and wave. We couldn’t believe it! There were squeals of joy from him and tears from me.

Best. Day. Ever!


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