Paying An Electricity Bill
By A Friend • March 15, 2021
My wife, myself and our 2 kids under 4 were in the post office a few weeks ago. I was being served when an 80+ year old man, with obvious, significant health issues was trying to pay his electricity bill next me. He was struggling to walk on a walking stick, had very bad deep vein thombosis in both legs, and a permanent shaking of his hands and arms. So he was 20 cents short of his total $118.70. Twenty cents!
The lady behind the counter had the old man in such a state, looking for a further 20 cents, he was shaking, visually upset. But instead of letting the man go and putting the 20 cents in herself, she persisted and told the man if his bill wasn't going to be paid in full the electricity company would probably slap penalties on his next bill for overdue fees.
Hearing this really upset me. So I lent across and asked the lady behind the counter to give ALL of his money back to him and I handed her my debit card and paid the bill for him.
The old gent was asking "why are you doing this?" as he began crying. I told him because it was the right thing to do. He thanked me over and over and smiled at my two kids on his way out of the Post Office.
The best part in all of this, was that he walked out of the post office and straight to Woolies and bought a basket full of food. Food he wouldn't have been able to buy had I not intervened at the post office.
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