Love Is In Your Hand
By Sonia Kaur • June 5, 2019
Where is happiness? Happiness is in our hand. How? Be giving, by spreading. Now many people say how can we spread. First count your all blessings and give and share with people. According to me first and the best blessing is our smile and trust me guys it costs nothing. You only have to smile and see the difference in your life.
Our biggest problem is that we get angry with others blessings. Count your own blessing then you will come to know that how happy you are.
In my previous writing I had written and I gave pressure on these words "listen to your heart, your heart knows your true happiness. Don't follow the crowd, follow your heart. Enjoying your hobbies, your talents."
The biggest happiness lies in giving. Just give and see the different feeling of happiness in your heart and you smile automatically. This smile comes itself.
2) Satisfaction is very necessary for leading a happy life. Once I met with a wise man. Who himself remains always in every situation. He told me that "life is full of problems some we have to solve, time will solve some and some problems remained unsolved. You have to accept life as it comes and be contented."
Happiness is in living together. Togetherness itself is a happiness. You just feed a street dog perpetually for a week and after a week if don't get see the dog you will start searching for him, start missing him. What is this? This is love. Having feelings for others is love. Try to live together with all your relations and friends.
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