A Letter To Mom And Dad

By Milton Lopez Delgado • April 26, 2019

Dear Mom & Dad,

This is the first chance I had to write to you. I'm sorry if I made you worry. I want you to know that all is well and I arrived safe and sound at Camp Heaven. Everything around me is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.

The trip was short. I got here just after I closed my eyes and fell asleep. It was as if no time had past at all.

I miss you so very much. I was told to tell you not to worry because I would be seeing you soon. Please pass this letter on to all my relatives, friends at home, and at school.

I arrived standing before a huge gate. A Beautiful Angel was there waiting to greet me; he had very large wide wings protruding from his shoulders and was wearing a whiter than snow robe with a golden sash around his waist. A Sparkling Halo circled above his head; his whole being glowed as bright as the sun. I was able to see his face; it was unlike any face I had ever seen before...perfect, soft, and gentle. He greeted me with a loving smile. I asked him who he was; he answered with a low and echoed voice: "My name is Gabriel. I am an Archangel and Messenger of God."

I could hardly believe what I was seeing: a real live angel! He extended his arms to me; I rushed and fell right into them. He embraced and held me tight, then said: "Welcome home Michael!"

He held my body close to his. I was engulfed in Love, and a profound peace; joy flowed throughout my whole body!

Mom and Dad, don't feel bad but the love I felt was a thousand times stronger than anything I ever felt before.

He then said: "Come Michael, all your brothers and sisters are eager to see and greet you. Grab on to my cloak."

We traveled through the air for a short while and landed on this wonderful outdoor arena that looked like a King's Palace all shiny and bright. A large group of men, women, and children had gathered. There were kinds of animals milling around. I noticed there were doggies too. I was so thrilled to see doggies. I saw lots of Black Labs, just like our Smoky Bear.

Gabriel put his arm around my shoulder and announced: "Children, this is your new brother Michael; welcome him home!"

Everyone cheered and applauded louder than a crowd at a sports stadium; they all came to greet me and gave me lots of hugs and kisses. I felt like a Super Star! Gabriel then said: "OK, enough kissing and hugging, it's time to celebrate!"

I started hearing the sound of music playing but didn't know where it was coming from. I looked up; descending from the sky was an army of Celestial Angels playing the most beautiful and enchanting music I had ever heard. Each one had a different instrument: a trumpet, harp, bell, and others instruments. The Celestial Music permeated the entire palace.

Then, suddenly,a huge table and chairs appeared in the center of the palace; they glistened like gems! The table was longer than a football field and filled with a assortment of all different kinds of fruit, vegetables, and breads; the spread was enormous!

Gabriel seated at the head table stood, lifted his wine glass high and said: "Children, I hereby propose a toast to welcome the arrival of God's new adopted son, our new brother, and new addition to The Family of God, Michael! The crowd lifted their glasses and shouted: "Here! Here!" and sipped the wine.

The Angels started playing a tremendous joyous sounding song. Everyone shouted out say: "Welcome Home Michael! Welcome Home! Michael!" Gabriel then said: "Hallelujah! It's time to eat, drink, and be merry! Let the celebration and feast begin!"

Mom and Dad, I'm in Heaven! It's more wonderful and beautiful than words could ever express!

Although I miss you and all my friends very much, please know that I am as happy as I ever could possibly have imagined. Everyone is always filled with Joy and Laughter and truly show their Love and concern toward one anther.

Gabriel told me this will be my 'Eternal Permanent New Home and Family!' I can stay here forever and never have to worry again about getting sick, growing old, or have bad things happen.

Please be well and take care of yourself! It's just like when you sent me away to those other camps for the summer, except this one is the greatest one of them all and will never end.

I am in Heaven and here is where I was meant to be, where I belong, and where I will live in love forever and ever!

Well, I gotta go now; they're calling my name to join in on another exciting outdoor game. I'll try to write again soon but it's hard to stop from all the fun I'm having.

I love you both so very much!

Your son, Michael

By Milton Lopez Delgado


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