Something Big

By Joseph J. Mazzella • August 27, 2018

"Stocking up for Winter?", said the cashier with a smile. She was looking at my shopping cart which was full of toaster pastries and big boxes of cereal. I knew that question was coming. A little earlier I had stopped into the local food pantry to see if there was any small thing that I might contribute. The shelves held canned vegetables, canned tuna fish, boxes of macaroni and cheese, and many other things. They were short of breakfast foods, though, so I thought I would give what I could. I walked into a local store and started to fill my cart with Pop Tarts and boxes of Cherrios, and Corn Flakes. I remembered loving them all for breakfast when I was a hungry, little boy growing up and I hoped what I bought might feed a few hungry, little bellies today.

I smiled back at the cashier and said, "It's for the food pantry." I usually tried to get out of the store without mentioning it, because an anonymous act of kindness is the best kind. I didn't want any recognition or praise for what I did. I had needed to use the food pantries myself when I was an unemployed and struggling young father with a family to feed. And it felt so right to complete this circle of love and give back to others in need. I knew too that I was doing what God wanted me to do and that is the only reward any of us ever needs.

God's love fills the universe. It is in every human heart. It is in every act of kindness no matter how small. It is a glorious tapestry of which we all are a part. It is so big that it is beyond comprehension. Still, God wants us all to take our place in that tapestry. God wants all of us to step into the circle of love that never ends. God wants us all to give, to care, and to share.

Take your place in the tapestry then. Be kind. Be loving. Help others every chance you can. Become part of something big while doing something small. And know too that God is watching over you, helping you, and loving you every step of the way.


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