First Angel Of Our Life
By Gayathri.M • November 15, 2017
The night was cold and dark, with the continuous downpour of rain, coupled with the howling winds...people were rushing for shelter and protection. But he was the only one who remained calm,unaware of all the confusion outside...for he knew, from the loving hands that held him close,his mother would always be there for him.
Ask a person about their mother and you will see a sudden spark in their they talk about the person they love the most! She is our first companion in life and a bond of a lifetime is formed even before we enter this world. A mother's love is one of the purest of all forms and beyond comparison. She is perhaps the only one who can understand our feelings without any exchange of words. Her presence is a sense of comfort, her love and support, like an oasis in a desert...she knows how to make us smile and at the same time, knows how to make us toe the line! She's been there through all our ups and downs in life...and every sad day in life will always get better, just by seeing her loving eyes and encouraging smile.
As Agatha Christie once said... "A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world."
She is our warrior,our friend,our adviser and most importantly, the one who endures all difficulties beforehand herself in order to smoothen our path of life.
To put it in a nutshell, our mother was,is and will always be our first and best friend forever!!!
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