Law Of The Universe

By Chandramouli Reddy • June 29, 2015

This real story is more popular and now I am using it to draw attention to an Amazing law of Universe. Flemming was a poor Scottish farmer, one day he observed a boy struggling in the swamp up to his waist. Flemming rescued that boy. The next day the father of the boy a well dressed Aristocratic man paid a visit to the Fleming's place and offered a reward in return to his son's life. But Flemming rejected the reward offer and said, I have just done my humanitarian job towards a fellow being who were in the dire need of help. The  Aristocratic man  was Sir Randolph Churchill, just looked around that poor house and noticed the son farmer playing in the mud. He requested the poor farmer to send his boy with him so that he could made the poor child well educated and a Noble man in the society. He brought the child and given education as a goodwill gesture. Later the the child of poor farmer Fleming has become Sir Alexander Fleming who invented 'Penicillin' the wonderful life saving Antibiotic. The son of Aristocratic man got suffered with deadly Pneumonia and again he was saved with Penicillin. The son of Aristocratic an was Sir Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England.

The above story clearly envisages the 'Universal law' of  what we sow, so we reap it. The help without any expectation can come around in another kind. The selfless service rendered to any needy people would not go waste. It reverts back in another form. Even our thoughts and actions have energy, so they have eternal influence. They go around in Cosmos and return back with same intensity. So we must be conscious of what we think and what we do. They have impact, negative or positive.


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