A Beautiful Way Of Encouragement

By Anjali Mohapatra • March 23, 2015

A beautiful way of encouragement.

It was still raining. The bright light of the day, had already faded in the presence of twilight, welcoming the night. Amy got up from her chair next to her ailing mother's bed in the hospital, and slowly walked towards the glass window. Holding the window curtain to one side, she peeped through the glass, just to make sure, if anybody had come. The floral scent, reminded her about the medicine, she had to give to her mother. She came back to her mom and gently placed her fingers on her mom's forehead. 'Mom, are you awake? How do you feel now? Do you feel better?' Amy asked in a low voice.

Struggling to open her eyes, she said,'Yes, honey, a little. Anything, anybody has come?'

Amy, continuing her braiding on her mom's hair, softly replied,'Mama, it is still raining outside, because of that it might be delayed. Don't worry, it will come.' Her mom nodded her head, closed her eyes, murmuring some unclear words.

Amy was working as a part time worker, in a departmental store in Ontario. Her father was a semi paralysed patient, so he was bedridden at home, and mother was suffering from kidney problem. She was really facing a tough time. Despite of all, she was cool. She was handling the situation calmly. Besides her job these additional burden, definitely put her under pressure. But, she had decided to tackle the situation.

Every day in the morning, she would arrange everything for her father's daily requirements, then she attended her job, and after that she rushed to her mom in the hospital, at 3 0'clock. At night, she would come back to stay at home, while her mom was under the care of a gentle lady, an elderly nurse.

A few days back, Amy had put up a post in an internet forum, 'My mom is seriously ill. She is a wonderful lady. She was engaged herself in 'CHI' (Children's Hospice International) organisation. She is a very affectionate, humble and cheerful lady. Unfortunately, she got some acute kidney problem which according to the doctors, is curable. She wants to keep her mind very happy and jubilant. So, I need your help! It is her wish to listen ' a very good, appealing story' which can give her mental peace.'

'Kindly, send a message in the given e-mail address (which she mentioned in her post) or personally if anybody can come and narrate a story, I will be thankful. Please help her.'

Sometimes, Amy herself confused why her mama wanted a story at all! She thought maybe mama's day to day life was so painful for last two three years or she didn't have patience to read or to listen the same stereo-type stuff or maybe she wanted to forget her long run physical pain, by hearing some real, real good stories, something different, special, which could provide her internal pleasure.

Hence, as a daily routine, her mom kept asking her, 'Has it come?'

'Yes, mama, it will come. Keep patience, please.'

Desperately, she was searching her e-mail everyday, wishing to receive an excellent story or some message.

'One month later, she got an e-mail, from an unknown person. She was so happy, so delighted, that she forgot to attend her job that day. She finished her work, neatly arranged everything for her dad and rushed to the hospital.

Slowly, Amy entered into her mom's cabin. She stood at the door step silently for sometime, looked at her mama to make sure whether mama was awaking or asleep. Mama closed her eyes, but her faint eyebrows were little bit twisted. She looked as if she was okay but Amy couldn't be sure.

She whispered, 'Mom, mama.'

'Yes, honey!' answered her mom, still closing her eyes.

'Mama, have you taken your lunch? The nurse has already served it? How you feel now, better?' at a stretch, Amy asked her so many questions.

'Yes, honey, that nurse is a good lady. She is very care taking. May God bless her with a blissful life!! What's up, honey? You look very happy today! Any surprise?' asked her mom with little difficulty.

'Yeah, mom! I am very happy today. After so many days, I have got an interesting e-mail.You take rest, then later, I will read the story as you always wished.

'I have taken enough rest, darling. You can read it now.'

'O.K, O.K, mama, let me settle down on my chair, then I will start.'

'No, no, don't sit on that chair, come closer to me, sit on my bed. So that I can hear you distinctly, okay? It's about what?'

Amy, like an obedient child, went to her mama's bed and adjusted herself on her bed, holding her iPad tightly said,'O.K, mama, fine.'

'Mama, one letter has come. I will read it, just listen to it,' she said.

'A letter? No story? Why should I listen a letter,' asked her mom.

'Yeah, mom, a letter! Anyway, you may like it. So, listen to it.'

She read the letter while her mama closed her eyes to concentrate the words.

'My dear sweetie, sweetie auntie,

Hi, auntie! How are you? Anyways, I love you! I love you so much, I can't explain.You are so beautiful, so warming, I want to be with you forever. I know, you must be thinking, who am I? Right? Don't worry, I will let you know. First, you tell me, you love me or not? Look at the window, I am standing out side of the hospital, waiting for you,' after reading this much Amy looked at her mama, mischievously. She saw that her mom's lips were widened, giving a smiling face. After so many days, she saw her mom smiling.

Immediately, her mom said, 'Why you paused? Who is this romantic guy? Go on, read it.'

Amy continued, 'I know auntie, you love me so much! Auntie, don't you want to know 'how', 'where' and 'when' I met you? Well, I will tell you. I met you first time at your wedding ceremony. You were looking like an angel from heaven, it was simply fabulous. I went there with my parents. However, the party was over, and we came back home. But your lovely face, with that long bridal dress, made me crazy!

Remembered, one day, you were wearing a red skirt with white top, you looked so gorgeous!! You were heading towards the church. Uncle and you, both were holding hands together. I followed you, without your knowledge. You know why? I wanted to take a snap, but unfortunately, so many visitors were there that day, I felt shy. I couldn't make it. The prayer was over. Everybody came out of the church, including both of you. I couldn't click your snap that day, but I didn't give up.

Next day, I saw you with another gorgeous dress. Perhaps, you were going to attend some party. You were looking so beautiful, I couldn't control and whistled from my terrace. Your fair complexion, tall figure with golden coloured curly hair, was absolutely mind blowing. I was in my thought. For a second I felt, as if I stood before you and in a half bent position, supporting my body weight on my knee, I am proposing you, holding a red rose in my hand, 'Will you marry me?' You blushed and your white cheek turned red, like a red rose petal. When I came to my sense, I found that you had already driven your car, far away from my sight.

Immediately, Amy's mom giggled and said, 'Oh, dear! Poor boy! How I can't remember the little naughty man!'

Suddenly, Amy heard that laughing sound. She looked at her mom, shifting her eyes from the i-pad. Her mom was really laughing aloud and quoted the same words, 'So funny! Who is this naughty boy? I never met him! How did I miss him? Well, honey, go on. I want to know what happened then. Read it.' Now, Amy felt a little relaxed. At last, her mom showed some interest with happiness.

'Yeah, mama, listen.' She continued........'your lovely face was stuck in my heart. Few days, I followed you wherever you went, then I gave up saying myself, 'I am not fit for you.' Just because, how good you were! You had chosen the right person in your life! Trust me.

Are you listening, auntie? I can imagine your sweet smiling face. That is what I want. Be always like that. How you like my story of 'falling in love with you?' You are really an amazing lady. Your soft spoken voice, humble behaviour is reflected on Amy. Look at her face. You are her strength, auntie. Don't let her down.

Honestly speaking, whenever I saw you auntie, I feel my mom's presence. I played the jokes with you as I used to do with my mom. I lost my mom and dad, when I was twelve years old. Fortunately, my grannie was there to look after me. Sometimes, I wanted to cut jokes with my mom, then I rushed to her, holding a pen or pencil, bent down before mom and used to copy my dad, 'Will you marry me?' Hearing this, my mom burst in to laughter. With a warm hug, she answered my question, 'Oh! Darling, I love you so much. You are my only hope, dear, you are my love!' She was as beautiful as you are.

I was shuffling the internet, where I found Amy's note. My eyes were filled with tears. I tried my best to save my parents, but it was not in my destiny. I felt the same feeling, what Amy is going through now. I could understand her mental situation. I knew my boundary. Neither I am an expert story teller, nor I am a writer, so I chose an easy way out. I planned to make you laugh through my funny letter. Auntie, it is very easy to make some one cry, but very difficult to make some one happy. If you are really happy, even to one per cent, then also it's my pleasure. I am done.

Well, whatever description I had given about you, was nothing but relating you with my mom. Auntie, I will pray to God that you should get well soon. Life can never be always as beautiful as we wish! It has it's spontaneous flow. Some facts are beyond our control. So, why not, we will search the pleasure out of this painful life and enjoy it fully. We have to survive auntie, we have to struggle. Be happy and prove yourself, a winner.

However, auntie, I am waiting for you. Some day, some where, I will meet you. Yes, I heard that you are an excellent cook! Why not I will be the first person, to have some food from you? Of course, my love affaires with you, is not finished. If you want more, press to 'to be continued'.

With regards,


At the end of the letter, mama asked Amy,'Honey, he has not given his address? Naughty boy! Amy do one favour to me. Next time, you will press to the 'to be continued', so that I can come to know more about his mom. Sweet, poor boy! I love him.

Amy smiled. She could understand her mom's feeling. She murmured,'What a beautiful approach! I like it.' She could understand that whatever the person had written, simply out of his imagination. He never met her mom before! Thanks for his imagination!!!


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