Man Finds Christmas Present In Wall With His Name On It 47 Years Later

January 6, 2025

In a discovery that feels straight out of a holiday movie, Tim King, 53, from Illinois, unearthed a piece of his childhood hidden away for nearly five decades.

While assisting his parents with a home renovation project just days after Christmas, King stumbled upon a faded, Disney-themed wrapped package tucked behind a bathroom wall.

What made the discovery even more remarkable? The gift had his name on it.

“Then I was like, ‘Oh crap, that has my name on it,’” King recounted to a local news station.

In a follow-up video, King shared the moment he carefully opened the decades-old present. Inside was a set of Matchbox Thunder Jets—a model airplane set popular in the 1970s.

man finds Christmas gift in wall decades later
@tking_cs on Instagram

King believes the gift was purchased in 1978 when he was just six years old. At the time, his parents had likely hidden their Christmas presents in the attic, and this particular one must have accidentally fallen into the wall cavity.

“I would have been 6,” King explained, reminiscing about the era. “So that is pretty awesome.”

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