Meet the Grumpiest Newborn: Hilarious Photoshoot Takes the Internet by Storm

May 22, 2024

A recent newborn baby photoshoot is spreading joy and laughter thanks to the baby's hilariously "grumpy" expressions.

Photographer Lauren Carson of Drawing in Light Photography shared the delightful photos on social media, creating quite the buzz.

grumpy baby photoshoot
Drawing in Light Photography

Carson expressed her excitement over the response:

"I am thrilled these pictures have gotten so much attention! Thank you everyone for all your shares and all the love."

grumpy baby photoshoot
Drawing in Light Photography

grumpy baby photoshoot
Drawing in Light Photography

grumpy baby photoshoot
Drawing in Light Photography

She also took the time to address some common questions from the amused audience:

"Yes, he really is a newborn. He was 7 days old and just a big baby!

No, he's not uncomfortable. The fabric he is swaddled in is super stretchy, and he could have wiggled out of it if he really wanted to. Or I would have unwrapped him if he started to get fussy.

He may look grumpy, but he was actually a sweet little snuggle bug!

Not long after these were taken, he fell asleep and we took some more traditional posed newborn pictures."

grumpy baby photoshoot
Drawing in Light Photography

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