Meet Narwhal - The Puppy With A Tail On His Face

November 13, 2019

This is Narwhal. He has a tail growing out of his head.

dog with tail on head
Credit: @macthepitbull / Facebook

Narwhal was found wandering around outside in the cold and was taken to Mac's Mission, a rescue in Jackson, Missouri.

The staff decided to name the pup Narwhal, the magical unicorn puppy, after realizing he had an extra tail on his face.

dog with tail on head
Credit: @macthepitbull / Facebook

Doctors at Mac's Mission took X-rays of Narwhal's head and found that the tail was not connected to anything and has no real use.

Dr. Heuring said there is no real reason at this time for the unicorn tail to be removed.

dog with tail on head
Credit: @macthepitbull / Facebook

The face tail does not seem to bother Narwhal either.


"He seems completely healthy other than some usual puppy worms he got meds for," the shelter wrote on Facebook. "He is not available for adoption immediately as we want him to grow a bit more and truly make sure the tail doesn't become a bother or problem. Right now he is pretty much the most unique amazing example of what we do here and we are so thankful to have the chance to be part of his journey. Thank you everyone for helping us help them!"

Watch Narwhal in action below!

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