Cow Breaks Into Her Home Just To Wait For Her Family

April 28, 2016

Beryl the cow is no ordinary cow. For one, she thinks she's a dog. After all, she grew up with two puppies.

cow breaks into house

Still, that didn't prepare Sally Webster, Beryl's owner, for the surprise the 8-month-old Brahman gave her when she returned home from grocery shopping one day. "She just likes to try and get in when she sees an open door."

cow breaks into house

"She has an amazing memory and is very smart, so she knows where the calf milk lives in the laundry. The day she was caught in the lounge took me by surprise. I really didn't expect to see her making herself comfortable sitting on the carpet."

cow breaks into house

Beryl is not only smart, but well-behaved: There was no mess or broken items when Webster found her sitting in the middle of the living room. Apparently, the cow had broken in only to wait.

cow breaks into house

And she LOVES belly rubs!

cow breaks into house

Webster said she thinks Beryl likes to get comfortable on carpets because as a baby, she had her own blanket she used to sleep on every night.

cow breaks into house

"She knows mine and my husband's voice. She can be outside grazing out of view and we can call out her name, and she will always bellow back, in a way to reply. Or come to the house."

cow breaks into house

cow breaks into house

She is especially fond of the two puppies she grew up with — Fred and Wilma.

cow breaks into house

"They still like to cuddle in with Beryl and give her lots of licks."

cow breaks into house

cow breaks into house

(h/t) lnfinity

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