Airman Has 'Never Cried That Much' After Putting Down His Military Dog Due To Health Problems

March 8, 2017

Bodza, an 11-year-old military dog, was put down last week due to health complications after a lifetime of serving his country.

military dog draped in American flag

His handler, Kyle Smith of the U.S. Air Force was paired with Bodza in 2012 during a deployment in Kyrgyzstan and then adopted him after the canine's retirement.

"I've never cried that much my entire life," he said. "I held him in my arms the entire time."

Although Smith tried to hide his heartbreak from his superiors, they arrived at the veterinarian's office the moment they found out Bodza was being euthanized. Afterwards, they had a request.

"My boss immediately said, 'Where's your American flag? You should have one in your building. Find it for me now.'" Smith said.

They then draped the flag over Bodza's body, in recognition for his service to the country.

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