This Dad Created A 'Dads And Daughters' Hair Class To Teach Other Fathers How To Do Hair

October 7, 2015

This is Philippe Morgese and his beautiful daughter Emma.

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

Philippe became known on Facebook for doing really fun designs with his daughter's hair. After winning a contest and a TV appearance, dads started asking him for advice on hair. That's when he saw an opportunity to do something great for the community.

He created a "Dads and Daughters" hair class to help other fathers learn about doing hair.

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

The class was full of dads learning basic brushing, ponytails, braids and buns with their little girls.

"We had a prison guard, mechanic, general contractor, ATT tech, Apple tech, healthcare recruiter and a carpenter," Philippe said. "Definitely out of their element but they were all excited to learn. It was beautiful."

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

The class was held at the International Academy in Daytona. The owner, Mez, loved the idea so much he allowed Philippe to use the facility for free.

"The staff was very helpful and the room worked out perfect. I'm so thrilled that he is allowing us to be there. He isn't charging me to use the classroom, and he was very excited about the idea. The man has a huge heart."

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

Philippe and Emma even made goody bags filled with hair supplies for all the dads to take home.

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

Philippe bought all the supplies for the class and still did not charge a dime. The class was free for any dad who showed up.

"I wanted to make a difference in my community and the best part for me is doing this with my daughter. That bond is incredible."

dads and daughters hair class
Facebook/Philippe Morgese

"The turnout was great! I'm so proud of these dads for stepping up and building a better bond with their daughters."

If you live in the Daytona/Orlando area, add Philippe on Facebook for details on the next class!

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